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Friesland historically and traditionally known as Frisia, named after the Frisians, is a province of the Netherlands located in the country's northern part.

We were based at the De Jerden’ campsite located near the (fortified) village of Sloten. 


Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see most of the Hillman Imps that attended; or click here


Rally Control at De Jerden Sloten


The GD24 field

A line up of Dutch Imps welcomed new arrivals


Friday : Tour along IJsselmeer

Husky Off on the Friday Run

Waiting at Canal Bridge


Imps at Hinderloopen


Evening meal at the Bistro


Dom and Pete hard at work on Petes Van (strange ive got three pedals too,,,)

Doms new Husky got a lot of attention

Not the only classics on the site NSUs

Saturday : Tour to the Opel Museum Tijnje

Imps parked outside the Opel Museum

Meindert van Wijk's collection over over 50 Opel classic cars is shown in a purpose-built hall.

A great collection of Opel cars


Lesley and Phil running their new BMW powerd engine

Enjoying the Evenings fun and frolics

Dom and Baz in Full song

Sunday : The City of Sloten 

Sloten Windmill, a traditional Dutch windmill that adds to the village’s authentic atmosphere.

The windmill stands as a testament to Sloten’s agricultural heritage and offers a glimpse into the region’s history.

Lucy + Jorge Orta’s “Peewit” fountain comprises of a haphazard stack of buckets, jerry cans and water tubs and basins,

implements you come across anywhere in the world.

Stolen canals make thisb a beautiful little city

This gate dates back to the 17th century 

Impers enjoying a boat trip (It turned a lot less pleasant when the storm came, but all servived)

Imps at Breezanddijk the midpoint of the Afsluitdijk, It is located on a former artificial island which was created during the construction of the dam,

Steph capture the Lightening on their Sunday run

Enough water for Ducks

Monday returning Home

Waiting for the ferry to come home

Sunset at Hoek de Holland from the boat

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(c) Andy Smith 2024